Media queries mixing
Posted by info on November 16th, 2013
Here are some examples of media query mixins i use to generate the media queries needed for different viewport sizes:
@mixin respond-min($width) { // If we're outputting for a fixed media query set... @if $fixViewport { // ...and if we should apply these rules... @if $fixViewport >= $width { // ...output the content the user gave us. @content; } } @else { // Otherwise, output it using a regular media query @media screen and (min-width: $width) { @content; } } } @mixin respond-max($width) { // If we're outputting for a fixed media query set... @if $fixViewport { // ...and if we should apply these rules... @if $fixViewport < $width { // ...output the content the user gave us. @content; } } @else { // Otherwise, output it using a regular media query @media screen and (max-width: $width) { @content; } } } // mixins Styles for Old IE: $oldIE: false !default; @mixin oldIE { // Only use this content if we're dealing with old IE @if $oldIE { @content; } } // Only use this content if we're NOT dealing with old IE @mixin modern{ @if $oldIE == false{ @content; } }