Batch generate rules with color codes from a list of colors with SASS
Posted by info on 18th April 2013
Sometimes you need a list of selectors based under different environments and every environment has its own body class. If you need to make a lot of selectors with different colors for every environment it is best to set the list of colors and a list of environments in variables and let sass generate the color rules for every environment.
// first we set the variables:
$darkcolor-df :#E17000; // rgb(225, 112, 0) portaal Defensie bar oranje
$lightcolor-df :#F6D4B2; //Defensie border licht oranje
$darkcolor-km: #0E61AA; //KM bar/border Blauw
$lightcolor-km: #E1EBF4; //.. KM lichtblauw
$darkcolor-kl: #00423C; // KLandmacht bar groen
$lightcolor-kl: #DFE7E7; // KLandmacht border lichtblauw
calling mixin
@include envcolor(background-color, ‘dark’, ‘#navigation .selected a,#navigation .selected a:visited’);
/* ----------------------------------- mixin for setting the light or dark color per environment input param selector type:list of strings selector string(s) after the environment class prop type:style property clr type:string dark | light | #000000 colorcode ----------------------------------*/ @mixin envcolor($prop, $clr, $selector) { $env: kl, klu, kmar, cmc, dmo; $darkcolors: $darkcolor-kl,$darkcolor-klu,$darkcolor-kmar,$darkcolor-cmc,$darkcolor-dmo; $lightcolors: $lightcolor-kl,$lightcolor-klu,$lightcolor-kmar,$lightcolor-cmc,$lightcolor-dmo; /* #{$clr} */ @for $i from 1 through length($env) { $portal: nth($env, $i); $color: #{$clr} !default; @if ('#{$clr}'=='dark') { /* #{$portal} dark */ $color: nth($darkcolors, $i); } @else if ('#{$clr}'=='light'){ /* #{$portal} light */ $color: nth($lightcolors, $i); } @else { $color: #{$clr}; } .#{$portal} { #{$selector} { #{$prop} :#{$color}; } } } }
/* dark */
/* df dark */
.df #navigation .selected a, .df #navigation .selected a:visited {
background-color: #e17000;
}/* km dark */
.km #navigation .selected a, .km #navigation .selected a:visited {
background-color: #0e61aa;
}/* kl dark */
.kl #navigation .selected a, .kl #navigation .selected a:visited {
background-color: #00423c;
}/* klu dark */
.klu #navigation .selected a, .klu #navigation .selected a:visited {
background-color: #005187;
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